English is fun
3 клас
Whohas got a book?
How manyapples are there?
Whatare they?They are cars.
Whereare the animals? In the zoo.
Whois this? It's my dad.
Whosethis bag? It's my dad's bag.
Whatis this? It's a bag.
He ..... my brotheranswersisam
........ you a singer?answersAmAre
She's driving a car. It is ..... car.answersherhis
They are students and this is ..... teacher.answersyourtheir
He ........ TV every day.answerswatchwatchesis watching
They ..... footbal now.answersplayare playingplays
Write the number 3answers
- "three"
Point "There is" or "There are".
Point "There is" or "There are".
Do you need